The benefits of mentoring for new nurse practitioners is well-documented, and the need is widely reported by national organizations such as the Institute of Medicine, National League of Nursing, American Nurses Association, and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. A task force led by Susan Meier, DNP APRN NNP-BC, created this invaluable resource to fill a gap during a nurse’s transition into their new role as a nurse practitioner. This program supports an interpersonal model that balances the career development needs of individuals with an organizations growth and productivity goals. It provides a complete set of tools and activities to support the mentoring relationship as your new nurse practitioners develop from novice to expert.
Dowloadable documents include
A full PDF of the Mentoring Toolkit for Nurse Practitioners
Orientation presentations covering coordinator training, an overview of mentoring, and mentor and protégé training
Program documentation including a mentor readiness assessment form, mentor and protégé profiles, and a mentoring agreement
12 suggested activities to facilitate the mentor-protégé relationship throughout the program
Program, mentor, and protégé evaluations
Task Force Members
Susan R. Meier, DNP APRN NNP-BC, Chair
Leigh Ann Cates-McGlinn, PhD APRN NNP-BC
Erna Josiah-Davis, MSN NNP CNS
Jennifer Lynn Oney, RN
Catherine L. Witt, PhD NNP-BC